Team Thirteen/Journal

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Revision as of 17:40, 4 January 2011


tl;dr: Team 13 is operating at half-power for the first week; Kevin and Bayley will join us starting next Monday. Dima and Rebecca are working extra hard to meet the Checkpoints and be ready for Mock Contest 1.

Current progress: Absentees aside, we nonetheless completed Checkpoint 1 by the deadline. Pegbot is now capable of 1) moving in a circle or in a straight path and 2) communicating with eeePC via Bot Client.

Future direction: Strategy discussion. Rebecca will study what former groups have done, what has worked, what hasn't, etc. Our choice of strategy will likely dictate (and in turn, also be dictated by) the hardware details of our robot. Team 13 would like to receive input from all members, so efforts are being made to hold a real-time discussion with Kevin and Bayley. Dima hopes to have finished our robot by the end of the week.
