Team One/Journal

From Maslab 2014
Revision as of 15:18, 20 January 2014 by Evanw (Talk | contribs)
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Today we assembled the "kitbot." Evan worked on CAD, mostly on the drivetrain, but it is very far from being finished. We need to decide on a manipulator. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to drive the robot around with arrival of some missing components.


Andrei: playing with the tablet. Problems with Windows installing Maple drivers, decided to go with Ubuntu.

Evan: Planned.


Andrei: Installed Ubuntu, made the kitbot work. Started figuring out OpenCV basics.

Evan: Started designing.


Andrei: Problems with OpenCV on the tablet. "make" freezes the tablet. Had to reinstall Ubuntu. Seems to work now. Vision got seems to be in a good shape

Evan: Had major discussion on strategy and plans. Continued designing.


Andrei: Tablet works with OpenCV. Made the kitbot follow the wall.

Evan: Modified our mechanical strategy significantly to better match our game plan. Lots to redesign..


Andrei: Decided to go hardcore. Made a simulator of a real world. Now don't really need a kitbot for a lot of stuff.

Evan: Started designing ball collection implementation - sweeper type collector.


Andrei: Started implementing the state machine. Takes a long time...

Evan: Continued designing ball collector.


Andrei: Not too much. Some Wall Following stuff.

Evan: Made prototype Archimedes screw.


Andrei: Coded path planning, reading stuff about localization

Evan: Tried to sort out the rest of the general geometry of the robot. ~85% designed


Andrei: Working on localization. Much problem, such pain.

Evan: Added on board ball manipulation hardware for after the balls are collected.


Andrei: Localization kinda finished. Painful process of putting everything together, but seems to be working more or less.

Evan: Trying to sort out mating details, etc.


Evan: Really trying to finish designing. Pretty tired though, so it will wait until tomorrow.


Evan: Machined a couple interface parts for the Archimedes screw. Finalized first level design. Ready to start laser cutting tomorrow.


Evan: Took a trip to home depot for some PVC pipe and round stock. Finally started building. Found out that tolerancing slots is pretty unnecessary; should have found that out earlier.

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