Frequently asked questions
Q: What sort of skills will I develop during MASLAB?
A non-exhaustive list:
- How to use design tools like SolidWorks
- Laser cutting / 3D printing prototypes
- Wiring and how to hook up electronics
- How to interface with sensors and use their information
- Programming an autonomous system
- Debugging
- How to manage a fast-moving team project
Q: How much of a time commitment is it?
A: MASLAB starts January 6 and ends January 31. You and your team should expect to spend many hours (6-10) most days working on your robot. This competition is designed to be an intense robotics experience.
Q: What experience do I need?
A: You do not need to have past robotics experience, though having some background in mechanical engineering, programming, or electronics will be advantageous. However, being motivated, attending lectures, and asking staff for help are necessary for you succeed, regardless of your background.
Q: Team requirements?
Teams should have 3-5 members. We suggest that when assembling your team you find members with a variety of backgrounds/interests.
Q: If I sign up am I guaranteed a spot in the class?
No; unfortunately, we have limited resources.
Q: What if I don't know anyone else planning on taking MASLAB but I want to participate?
A: We encourage you to look everywhere for teammates (email your dorm, your lab, etc etc). However, if you really cannot find anyone else by the end of November, you can apply as an individual.
Q: I have a non-frequently asked question!
A: Email maslab-staff [at]