Team One/Journal

From Maslab 2013
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Day 0 (1/7/2013)

It has been eight days since the Stuxnet outbreak. What we knew before the incident is that Stuxnet was a first-gen hardware virus aim at destroying parts of Iran's nuclear infrastructure. We've gathered through word of mouth that the virus has mutated and spread through majority of the world's nuclear infrastructure. Majority of the world sits in devastation from systematic meltdowns of nuclear power plants and freak self-detonations of ICBMs.

"Thankfully", MIT's reactor was only a small test reactor and only campus was destroyed.

MIT nuclear meltdown.PNG

Rodrigo, Dan, Nanu, and I (Tyler) were at Poor House at the time of the blast and hence survived. We've taken up refugee at Edward's apartment at the edge of the blast radius. However, food, water, and other amenities has become scarcer. There has been riots at the Shaws in Boston. As a result, we've looked north to the remains of campus for food. Rumor has it that Professor Donald Sadoway had a large stash of Twinkies on campus because of the 12/21/2012 scare. Though, now it looks more like the Mayans were right.

If the Twinkies exist, this would be huge. Everyone knows that Twinkies are the only food that can survive an apocalypse. We would not only be able to eat, we could trade it for further goods.

Day 1 (1/8/2013)

We had a meeting this morning. Campus is heavily covered in radiation and hence traveling back there would definitely result in long term harm. As a result, we've decided to build a robot to travel to campus for us.

Codenamed PEGbot, this robot is suppose to

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