Team One/Journal

From Maslab 2013
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Day 0 (1/6/2013)

It has been eight days since the Stuxnet outbreak. What we knew before the incident is that Stuxnet was a first-gen hardware virus aim at destroying parts of Iran's nuclear infrastructure. We've gathered through word of mouth that the virus has mutated and spread through majority of the world's nuclear infrastructure. Majority of the world sits in devastation from systematic meltdowns of nuclear power plants and freak self-detonations of ICBMs.

"Thankfully", MIT's reactor was only a small test reactor and only campus was destroyed.

MIT nuclear meltdown.PNG

Rodrigo, Dan, Nanu, and I (Tyler) were at Poor House at the time of the blast and hence survived. We've taken up refugee at Edward's apartment at the edge of the blast radius. However, food, water, and other amenities has become scarcer. There has been riots at the Shaws in Boston. As a result, we've looked north to the remains of campus for food. Rumor has it that Professor Donald Sadoway had a large stash of Twinkies on campus because of the 12/21/2012 scare. Though, now it looks more like the Mayans were right.

If the Twinkies exist, this would be huge. Everyone knows that Twinkies are the only food that can survive an apocalypse. We would not only be able to eat, we could trade it for further goods.


Day 1 (1/7/2013)

We had a meeting this morning. Campus is heavily covered in radiation and hence traveling back there would definitely result in long term harm. As a result, we've decided to build a robot to travel to campus for us.

Codenamed PEGbot, this robot is suppose to travel to campus, search it for Twinkies, and report back the location of the Twinkies.

In building PEGbot, the following was accomplished.

Mechanical Design

   (1) Center Wheel Drive - allows PEGbot to turn with a zero turn radius
                          - a caster wheel was placed in the back center to provide a three point base
                          - the battery over the caster to back weigh it so it doesn't fall forward
   (2) Secondary Platform - provides PEGbot with a second level enabling it to carry a laptop
   ** see blueprints below

PEGbot Top View.jpg PEGbot Iso.jpg


   (1) Library of functions and classes complied into the Arduino
   (2) Laptop sends commands to the serial port in the Arduino to control PEGbot
   (3) Can control PEG bot with Andriod phone.

Checkpoint 1

At the end of the day, we attempted to drive PEGbot around Edward's house. Using a phone, we were able to successfully navigate PEGbot from from the kitchen to the living room.


Day 2 (1/8/2013)

Rodrigo, Dan, and I awoke this morning to find Nanu missing without a trace. Hopefully he is okay.

We added a IR sensor to PEGbot and began coding to turn when it sees a wall. Once we have this basic function down, we can add multiple sensors so PEGbot can sense his environment and safely navigate itself to the Twinkies.

New Boston.PNG


Nanu has safely returned. Apparently, he couldn't sleep much. Noises outside woke him up at 5 am and he went to investigate. He said the survivors are attempting to set up some sort government in what remains in Boston. It looks like 3 groups are emerging. There are the Bostonian Builders, mostly survivors from MIT, Harvard, and Boston University. They are mostly a technology/engineering oriented group that appear in control of the northern end of Boston and Cambridge. To the east along the water front lies the Charlestown Confederates, mostly naval officers and other sailors. They appear militant and interested in controlling the water travel and trade. Then to the south and west lies the Brothers in Bond. They are a mostly religious group believing that the event 10 days ago was the end of the world they are were the chosen to survive. They appear very aggressive in spreading their message. Apparently, the three groups are struggling to control the city. I'm just happy our HQ is located in the Bostonian Builder's territory. They seem the most reasonable.


The four of us had a meeting. Concerns were raised about PEGbot getting caught in skirmishes or conflicts between the three rising groups. As a result, we've decided to construct a second robot codenamed "Tallahassee." "Tallahassee" we be an upgraded heavily armored and armed version of PEGbot in order to protect itself as it brings Twinkies back to us. Dan and I began CADDing Tallahassee. We started with the basics. We CADDed wheels, gears we and a base. In addition, we designed Tallahassee's gearbox. Rodrigo and Dan worked also on Tallahassee's motor control. Rorigo and Nanu worked on Tallahassee's vision system and processing.

Checkpoint 2

PEGbot is successfully turning away from the wall when its IR sensor picks up a wall.


   Mechanical Design
   (1) Center Wheel Drive - allows Tallahassee to turn with a zero turn radius
   (2) Dan's Pittman Motors - rpm: 340 rpm/volt  
                            - built-in encoders: 4000 counts per resolution                                      
   (3) Gearbox - provides 13.5 gear reduction for the motors. 
               - top speed: 1.551 m/s
               - encoder resolution after gearing: 5.4 * 10^4 counters per resolution
   ** see CAD model below
Robot CAD update 1.jpg


Day 3 (1/9/2013)

I woke up in my sleep. It's roughly 5 am and I saw Nanu working at his desk. I assumed the noises outside have been keeping him up. I'll try to go back to sleep.


This morning we found out that Nanu has gotten decently far on the vision system. We have the basics color detection down. Our camera can detect green versus red balls.

After that, I worked on designing a helical ramp the balls could be pushed up to pick them up. In the center of the ramp would be a spindle with rods sticking out of it. As the spindle would turn, the rods would push the balls up the ramp. I had little success with this. However, we have figure out another way to pick the balls up. Dan, Rodrigo, and Nanu spent the day working on vision.

Checkpoint 3

We present Tallahassee to Edward and discusses our agenda to finish by the end of the month. Note to self, our agenda can be found under assignments in the back of my journal.


Dan and I began to build the gearboxes. Here is how they turned out. I taped a picture in my journal of it.

Tallahassee Gearbox.jpg


Day 4 (1/10/2013)

I found a journal today. It has T-9 written on the front of it. Not really sure what it means. They said they stole someone's webcam. That must suck. At least I know it wasn't ours since Rodrigo brought his back to his room last night while he worked on it.

Day 5 (1/11/2013)

More extensive journal entries will be written in the morning on Saturday for days 4 and 5.

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