
Team V.

The East Communist Party

Team Members

  • Strahinja Ciric: '16, 18-C.
  • Qiyun Gao: '19.
  • Abu Saleh: '19.


8 Jan 2116


  • Created a design for the robot using a feeder arm and two rotating collector stacks, one to store each type of cube.
  • Finished CAD for the basic robot layout and feeding arm.
  • Assembled the structure of the kitbot.
  • Started work on software (far more work is needed).

Planned for next week

  • Finish remaining CAD work.
  • Have the kitbot fully operational with pathfinding (most likely wall following) and cube detection (most likely via colour determination) software.
  • Cut and prepare all needed parts.
  • Come close to completing construction of the robot itself.

Last two weeks

  • We struggled quite a bit with time management. Sleep schedules of all members rarely were incident with one another.
  • Finished CAD.
  • Cut and assembled all the parts. Did wiring.

Final comments:

  • Active mechanism for collecting and stacking cubes failed to come online by competition time. Our robot became little more than a battering ram. But that's okay, we still got to fourth place. Somehow. oOoOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOoOOOOOoooooo

For future participants of MASLAB: idk, be extremely cognisant of each other's sleep schedules, get together as often as possible, plan ahead, etc etc. good luck.

It's a fun class.