"Rolling Towards Excellence: Where Cones Inspire Innovation!"
- Gage Lankford - Mechanical
- River Adkins - Software
- Arthur Hu - Strategy
- Trevor Johst - Software
- Lee Liu - Mechanical
^_^ Hello!
Day 1
- Assembled kit bot
- Got it driving.
Day 2
- Working block detection with opencv and webcam
- Github repo setup and working
- Conceptualized mechanism for stacking blocks
Day 3
- Motor encoders wired and working
- PID coded for driving, but not yet configured
- Time of flight distance sensor wired and coded
- Block funnel designed and prototyped
Day 4
- Time of flight sensor debugged and integrated into ROS node
- Extracting "angle to block" data from camera in a ROS node
- Block tower mechanism designed and prototyped
- IMU and linear actuator ordered
Day 5
- Inverse kinematics with encoder feedback setup and tested but not tuned
- Ignoring block colors outside of arena
- Working autonomous driving to turn towards blocks and drive towards them
- Tower redesigned to work better with pre-existing stacks
- Design started on mechanism to move linear actuator
Days 6 & 7 - Weekend
Day 8 - Holiday
- Wired up and tried to debug an IMU only to discover it was broken :(
- Started on parametric CAD for final design
- 3D printed elevator parts to test tolerances
Day 9
- Tested elevator for linear actuator
- Finished CAD for tower and confirmed it works with prototype
- Final chassis design completed in CAD
Day 10
- Wrote necessary code to control continous servo on elevator and tested it
- Endstops wired and functioning with ROS2 publishers set up
Day 11
- Finished CAD for chassis, tower, and elevator
- Wired and tested linear actuator with motor driver
- Rewired all electronics and crimped into dupont pins for reliability
- Attempted to laser cut new chassis but laser cutter ruined the parts :(
Day 12
- Tested PWM signalling for new motors
- Debugged our PID control
- Found a quantum bug with our encoders
Days 13 & 14 - Weekend
Day 15
- Assembled chassis and tower
- A lot of motor debugging, but they both work now
- Calibrated camera
Day 16
- Fixed caster wheel placement to level the robot
- Updated camera nodes and publishing, tested homography matrix
- Implemented breakbeam sensor in software
Day 17
- Performed servo surgery to use metal gears on our continuous servo
- Fixing compatibility issues between parts
Day 18
- Disaster has struck
- Teensy microcontroller damaged, repair unsuccesful
Day 19
- First succesful elevator assembly test
- Rack and tower afjustments for more consistent lifting
Days 20 & 21 - Weekend
- RGB color sensor wired and included in CAD
- Hinge rod cut and hinges sanded to fit
Day 22
- Issues with door servo troubleshooted, switching to set screws
- Wired majority of electronics to work in final positions
- Basic state machine coded but still untested
- Tested door hinges for repeatability
Day 23
- Wired every component and routed wires to make troubleshooting easier
- Implemented tower detection to split the state machine on approaches
- Tested all servo and actuator actions in state machine
- Door assembled and connected to servo with final configuration
Day 24
- Successfully picked up 4 blocks
Day 25
- More logic debugging
- More wire troubleshooting
- Sponsor dinner
- Team pictures with bonus robot!
Day 26
- Competition day!
- Final state machine fine-tuning and wiring cleanup
- Second place finish!